[Go] 多条件排序设计

在 go 源码中看到一个设计模式,如何设计对列表数据进行多条件排序

代码位置: go/src/sort/example_multi_test.go

// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package sort_test

import (

// A Change is a record of source code changes, recording user, language, and delta size.
type Change struct {
	user     string
	language string
	lines    int

type lessFunc func(p1, p2 *Change) bool

// multiSorter implements the Sort interface, sorting the changes within.
type multiSorter struct {
	changes []Change
	less    []lessFunc

// Sort sorts the argument slice according to the less functions passed to OrderedBy.
func (ms *multiSorter) Sort(changes []Change) {
	ms.changes = changes

// OrderedBy returns a Sorter that sorts using the less functions, in order.
// Call its Sort method to sort the data.
func OrderedBy(less ...lessFunc) *multiSorter {
	return &multiSorter{
		less: less,

// Len is part of sort.Interface.
func (ms *multiSorter) Len() int {
	return len(ms.changes)

// Swap is part of sort.Interface.
func (ms *multiSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
	ms.changes[i], ms.changes[j] = ms.changes[j], ms.changes[i]

// Less is part of sort.Interface. It is implemented by looping along the
// less functions until it finds a comparison that discriminates between
// the two items (one is less than the other). Note that it can call the
// less functions twice per call. We could change the functions to return
// -1, 0, 1 and reduce the number of calls for greater efficiency: an
// exercise for the reader.
func (ms *multiSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
	p, q := &ms.changes[i], &ms.changes[j]
	// Try all but the last comparison.
	var k int
	for k = 0; k < len(ms.less)-1; k++ {
		less := ms.less[k]
		switch {
		case less(p, q):
			// p < q, so we have a decision.
			return true
		case less(q, p):
			// p > q, so we have a decision.
			return false
		// p == q; try the next comparison.
	// All comparisons to here said "equal", so just return whatever
	// the final comparison reports.
	return ms.less[k](p, q)

var changes = []Change{
	{"gri", "Go", 100},
	{"ken", "C", 150},
	{"glenda", "Go", 200},
	{"rsc", "Go", 200},
	{"r", "Go", 100},
	{"ken", "Go", 200},
	{"dmr", "C", 100},
	{"r", "C", 150},
	{"gri", "Smalltalk", 80},

// ExampleMultiKeys demonstrates a technique for sorting a struct type using different
// sets of multiple fields in the comparison. We chain together "Less" functions, each of
// which compares a single field.
func Example_sortMultiKeys() {
	// Closures that order the Change structure.
	user := func(c1, c2 *Change) bool {
		return c1.user < c2.user
	language := func(c1, c2 *Change) bool {
		return c1.language < c2.language
	increasingLines := func(c1, c2 *Change) bool {
		return c1.lines < c2.lines
	decreasingLines := func(c1, c2 *Change) bool {
		return c1.lines > c2.lines // Note: > orders downwards.

	// Simple use: Sort by user.
	fmt.Println("By user:", changes)

	// More examples.
	OrderedBy(user, increasingLines).Sort(changes)
	fmt.Println("By user,<lines:", changes)

	OrderedBy(user, decreasingLines).Sort(changes)
	fmt.Println("By user,>lines:", changes)

	OrderedBy(language, increasingLines).Sort(changes)
	fmt.Println("By language,<lines:", changes)

	OrderedBy(language, increasingLines, user).Sort(changes)
	fmt.Println("By language,<lines,user:", changes)

	// Output:
	// By user: [{dmr C 100} {glenda Go 200} {gri Go 100} {gri Smalltalk 80} {ken C 150} {ken Go 200} {r Go 100} {r C 150} {rsc Go 200}]
	// By user,<lines: [{dmr C 100} {glenda Go 200} {gri Smalltalk 80} {gri Go 100} {ken C 150} {ken Go 200} {r Go 100} {r C 150} {rsc Go 200}]
	// By user,>lines: [{dmr C 100} {glenda Go 200} {gri Go 100} {gri Smalltalk 80} {ken Go 200} {ken C 150} {r C 150} {r Go 100} {rsc Go 200}]
	// By language,<lines: [{dmr C 100} {ken C 150} {r C 150} {r Go 100} {gri Go 100} {ken Go 200} {glenda Go 200} {rsc Go 200} {gri Smalltalk 80}]
	// By language,<lines,user: [{dmr C 100} {ken C 150} {r C 150} {gri Go 100} {r Go 100} {glenda Go 200} {ken Go 200} {rsc Go 200} {gri Smalltalk 80}]


  1. 重点需要关注的是 multiSorter 的设计
  2. 在这个 multiSorter 对象中包含多个排序规则,每一项数据需要判断是否执行多个排序规则函数
  3. 每个注册的排序规则判断函数 less 返回 bool 值,确认前一项是否比后一项小
  4. 每个注册的排序规则判断函数 less 可以执行两次,因为前一项不比后一项小的话还有两种可能,要不就是前一项比后一项大,要不就是一样大
  5. 若当前执行的排序规则判断函数 less 能够判断出大小,则无需执行下一个判断函数,当且仅当前一项和后一项的数据一致,才需要依赖下一个判断函数做判断,这里判断两项数据一致的依据是,在 switch 中两个 case 都执行了但没有命中返回。
  6. 在多个排序规则判断函数中,最后一项无需重复之前的 switch 判断规则因为 ⬇
  7. 在正常的排序 sort 接口的Less 函数中也是只需返回 bool 判断前一项是否比后一项小
  8. 所以在多个排序规则判断函数中,最后一项保留一致逻辑,如果保留在 switch 中也不是不可以,但是得考虑最后有可能前一项数据与后一项数据完全一致的情况。
  9. 若数据是一致的情况下,返回的是 true 还是 false 已经无所谓了。
